About Us

Every picture tells a story and we are here to share it with you. Nothing else.

It’s not about us! It is about the stories that need to be shared. Check our social media accounts.
Because everyone has it’s own story! Send us your picture and the story to become a real PicBuster!


There are few mediums more captivating than a well told story. From ‘what happened next?’ to personal connections we make through characters and events, everyone loves them. What you may not know is that stories are a very integral part of being persuasive. Those in sales and marketing have known for a long time that stories trump data when it comes to persuasion because stories are easier to understand and relate to. Many business people have already discovered the power of storytelling in a practical sense – they have observed how compelling a well-constructed narrative can be.

Finally, don’t forget that your organization has its own story – its founding myth. An effective way to communicate transcendent purpose is by sharing that tale. What passion led the founder(s) to risk health and wealth to start the enterprise? Why was it so important, and what barriers had to be overcome? These are the stories that, repeated over and over, stay core to the organization’s DNA. They provide guidance for daily decision-making as well as the motivation that comes with the conviction that the organization’s work must go on, and needs everyone’s full engagement to make a difference in people’s lives.

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.”

• Philip Pullman

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How Stories Affect the Human Mind

Do stories really hold that much influence? According to research by psychologists Green & Brock, they do. In fact, it’s likely that you greatly underestimate how much stories affect you. The reason that stories work so well on us is that we are susceptible to getting “swept up” in both their message and in the manner of their telling. Quite literally, stories are able to transport our mind to another place, and in this place we may embrace things we’d likely scoff at in the “harsh, real world”. You’ll often see politicians create a “story” for their campaign, and focus a lot of their efforts speaking with the public in crafting and standing by these stories.

As social creatures, we depend on others for our survival and happiness. A decade ago, the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies discovered that a neurochemical called oxytocin is a key “it’s safe to approach others” signal in the brain. Oxytocin is produced when we are trusted or shown a kindness, and it motivates cooperation with others. It does this by enhancing the sense of empathy, our ability to experience others’ emotions. Empathy is important for social creatures because it allows us to understand how others are likely to react to a situation, including those with whom we work.